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euridice1 euridice2
The project started of with my obsession with the myth of Orpheus and Euridice. So, I studied the many-many classical paintings of them, most also focusing on the moment that was bothering me the most, Euridice's desapperance.
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With the classical paintings as references I started sketching out what I would want my Euridice to look like. As I did that though, I lost sight of the goal of the project. It looked like I was going for an illustration but I was entirely opposed to the idea.
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Posing these questions brought the work back to me. Obviously, it is not Euridice I am trying to portray or illustrate. Instead, it is a reflection. We see ourselves as fictional characters and when something as grand as a myth has been stuck in my mind and bothering me for a while, it must've bacome deeply intertwined with my self-image. I ended up writting two text, one for each questions, and adressed to people I love.
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I continued with the visual development, now partially basing it on my text. I wanted the background to look like unnerved breathing. I also recorded the text and added noise and distortion to it to better convey the emotion.
I decided to portray Euridice stuck in a moment of blinking in and out existance, captured in between beeing and non-being.
The myth of Orpheus and Euridice became a lens to zoom in on me and maybe in a broader sense on the feelings that are not unique but deeply hidden.