I am a young visual multimedia artist based in Rotterdam
and Moscow. I mainly use 3d and traditional painting mediums
in my work. I am interested in ecosystems in a broader sense,
mythologies and exploring ways to apply modern technologies in
newer creative ways.
"This portfolio was designed in a form of a messenger based on
a similar example found by me on the internet. It rang very
true to me, as I often use Telegram for keeping my own work
in "Saved messages" or share it through channels and dialogues
with frineds. Messengers have the most substantial amount of my
work stored in them. I thought it would only be logical to present
it as such, but in a speculative matter.
Using the format of splitting projects into channels also allowed
for touching on some bits of the process and my thoughts on it.
This form of portfolio allows the user to jump sporadically in
between the channels, similarly to how we often to in actual messengers,
creating a non-linear playful experience.
You can contact me through
or drop me an email at lizazaharova810@gmail.com if you are interested
in working with me.