Yoga out in the field
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pose1-3 pose2-1 pose5-1 pose4-1
The project has started out from editing pictures of me doing yoga routine and hating (!) the way I look. I tried to cut myself out of the picture altogether, replacing myself with a silhouette. Shortly I realized how fucked up it was that I was thinking of my body as an error to be corrected and airbrushed. So, I thought of filling in the silhouettes with an error message.
yoga1 yoga2 yoga3 yoga4
The final collages address feelings of body shame. At the same time, I wanted to accentuate the freedom of movement accentuating the message that what your body is doing and how it is living is worth paying more attention to than a projected image influenced by beauty standards. Also, playing with a window's desktop image as a field can translate as a metaphor for existing of natural feelings in a digital space.